Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I've been elected President of Livingroomistan

I know!

I'm as surprised as you are!

I just put my name down on the ballot as a joke, but it seems that the other Livingroomingistan candiates, namely Giant Corner Spider, Blue Bunny, and Mr. Noisy-Fan Computer, are not as popular as they would like to be. So, fire up the Fisher Price Boppin' Beats Build-a-Band and groove to the polyphonic sounds of Hail to the Chief, the way it was meant to be played.

Oh, and I haven't told you the best part!

Are you ready? (You might want to sit down)

My new job comes with a Command Center, which is fully equipped with a 360° rotating seat, wheels, three squeaking mystery buttons (perhaps they launch missiles?!), a mirror with blue stars on it, and 6 Command Center advisors - Ring-tailed Dolphin, Sing-Along Octopus, Spinny Thing, Ding-Dong the Crab, Crank-Tail Whale, and Mr. Fish.

Anyway, I have to get back to work. I've just been informed that Giant Corner Spider is attempting a coup d'état. Maybe I'll get to push one of the mystery buttons.



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